28 March, 2013

Traditional markets

Markets are a really nice and interesting place to visit, specially when you're in a foreign country, as you can find food products that you don't find very easily in a commun supermarket. Last summer, in south Spain, I walked through a traditional market, where what caught my attention the most were the fruits and vegetables, the variety of cheese and the seafood.
You can see for yourself.

Many kinds of olives
Turnips, green and red peppers, aubergines and peas
Fish and other seafood
A world full of cheese

Os mercados tradicionais são locais muito agradáveis e interessantes de visitar, sobretudo quando se está num país estrangeiro, pois podem ser encontrados alimentos que não se vêm normalmente nos supermercados comuns. No verão passado, no sul de Espanha, andei a passear num desses mercados, onde o que mais me chamou a atenção foram as frutas e vegetais, a enorme variedade de queijos e o marisco.

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